Joy in piano

by Xavi Vall

When I was a little boy, about 8 years old, I was given a piano,

it was a toy piano and I didn’t pay much attention to it,

until one day in the school class, the music teacher began to play the piano,

and the melody transmitted me a lot of serenity, I loved it.


I arrived home quickly, I went upstairs looking for my piano and I couldn’t find it anywhere,

I went quickly to my mother to ask her in which drawer she kept it.

To my surprise, she had given that toy piano away because she had no use for it.


It was gone, gone forever.


Ever since I was a child I have had the desire to play the piano,

I would have liked to take lessons, but I never said anything.


Now as an adult, one of my goals is to learn to play my favorite music,

I have always loved the melodies of this instrument, they fascinate me.


Each person has his or her moment.


And just today I got the package I ordered through Amazon.


Yes, a piano,


to learn and feel the melody transmitted by my fingers,

the decoding of my mind transmitted in notes and exquisite sound.


That’s how I imagine it, however when I started playing, it was just noise, no coherence.

I downloaded an application that promised me 3 months free to learn to play.

And the joy came.


Just now I learned the hymn of joy.

It is easy to play, only with one hand.

It took me about 30 minutes to learn it, even though it doesn’t even take 10 seconds, but I felt accomplished,

I felt fulfilled and I know that everything is a process, you start soft at the beginning, you stumble several times,

you fall, you get up and the most important thing is to keep going and feel fulfilled.


It is a reconnection to heal the past through music.

My inner child is happy.


And this is exactly what I do in the sessions,

we have a lot of deep wounds as adults, that come from the stage when we were children,

Now is the time to put in order all those memories that are there hammering your mind, in constant repetition of situations that happened to you years ago.


I will accompany you to begin to heal all the wounds that happened to you, do it here:

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