Yesterday, Sunday, was my one year anniversary.
One year ago I started my adventure of living in Portugal.
And it has been a great learning experience.
I arrived with a lot of illusion to start again, from scratch,
to rebuild myself, to trust myself, to be better connected with my Soul and all the energies that surround me,
to accompany you in your personal growth process.
Today’s email should put all the things achieved until today,
but it would be feeding my ego and I don’t want that.
Just to say thank you for all this.
And thanks to me for daring to take the step forward, every obstacle has been overcome,
even though there were days that went by thinking about situations that happened to me,
in the end everything was resolved simply and easily.
It is assumed that when an important date arrives people get desperate and make a special offer to sign up for something.
In my case I will do better,
I will remind you of the following: