I talk to all the objects in my house,
I talk to the house where I live and my car.
When I arrive at my house I say:
“Home I’m here”.
Or when I leave I say to him:
“Home I’m leaving, see you later I’m leaving for work, stay closed and if someone shows up who shouldn’t be here send them a ghost.”
Well, the ghost thing I tell my Soul who also protects my house.
And with the car, I have a love relationship, every day I talk to it with much affection and thank it for taking me, bringing me and everything.
Anyone would say that objects are not people, animals or plants that “are alive.”
However, objects are also energy
And as everything is made of energy, inside they have information,
They hold your feelings that you have put into them.
and if you talk to the objects, you are grateful for all the ones you have,
Your life will work better.
I said it a week ago when I went to the market and there were sales of old items.
For there, many of them harbored low vibrational feelings that had been put into them.
Unconscious feelings that people put into objects, thinking they are inanimate,
but if that’s left there over time that low vibration becomes ghosts.
And nobody wants that.
You know that,
when you’re using an object and it doesn’t work don’t get angry, don’t yell at it, don’t break it in anger,
because that will stay there.
Treat the objects and everything else with love, affection and thank it for being part of your life.
Do you have any doubts about something?