With the object in hand, be very careful

by Xavi Vall


I was asked:

“why do you write an email a day, if that’s a lot”.

It’s just because that’s how I stay in your head every day, hehehehehehe


Yes, because maybe you don’t need it now.

But when someone talks to you that they need a medium,

or they have problems in their life and no matter how many times they go to specialists, they can’t solve them with anything,

or they feel that someone did a witchcraft and gave them a low vibration.


The first one that will come to your mind is me,

You’ll say something like:

“You have to go to Xavi”, send an email a day about these things and he solves you.


To solve it happened to me yesterday at the market, in the town square they had put several stalls of antique items.

There I was loaded with ghosts.




Listen to what happens,

There are old objects that for whatever reason the person unknowingly loaded a feeling of hatred, anger, sadness or worse.

(Just by saying it with the object in the hand or looking at the object and unloading everything there, it is impregnated with that low vibration),

And that if it is not energetically cleansed over time that becomes a ghost.




And I was happily walking by,

I encountered the scenario.

I felt a lot of confusion, despair, loss.

Since I am there, I harmonize the objects and the place.

And everything is clean.




I do the same function as the garbage man who comes by to take the garbage out of your house every morning.

I leave everything clean of low vibrational energies, ghosts, whatever appears.




And if you have a house, chances are you have a few ghosts screwing up your day too.

And you think it’s because of you.


the tiredness you feel, the confusion, and the desire to do nothing, many times it’s not you.

It’s one or more entities bothering you.


To get rid of them fast, it’s here:

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I channel your Soul to release energetic blockages and accompany you to find clarity in your life.

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