How to get out of the deepest hole in your life

by Xavi Vall

When I was a teenager my life was complete shit,

I didn’t know what to do,

I was in the deepest hole,

depression, anxiety, terrible ideas were going through my mind to end it all.

To survive the dark situation that I was living in that time,

I erected a stainless steel wall behind me and everything that was at that moment backwards, in my past, I buried it.

(This is not at all recommended, but it was the only option I knew at the time).


From that moment on, I wrote a goal that if I achieved it I would be happy, that’s what I told myself and I worked to achieve it.

I didn’t achieve that goal but it kept me busy in the process,

and during that time I discovered some great learnings.


First, all the blame is mine.

I stopped blaming my parents, relatives, neighbors, friends, acquaintances, for everything bad that happened to me.

And I took full responsibility,

only I have the power to decide what to do and how to do it.


Second, it is not chasing happiness, but being happy along the way,

the false idea of saying, if I get such and such I will be happy.

I have discovered, I am happy in the process of achieving some goal and not achieving the goal itself.

So if you are thinking that if

“when I have children I will be happy,
when my children work I will be happy,
when I have the job I will be happy,
when I have a granddaughter I will be happy,
when I have such and such an object in my possession I will be happy,
when I win my favorite team I’ll be happy,
when I get paid the money I’m owed I’ll be happy,
or when I win the lottery I will be happy.”

You are postponing your happiness in events that have a thousand ways of not ending the way you want.

Everyone should take charge of his or her life and not depend on what others do to be happy.


Third, have common sense.


As an adult, I started my inner healing process,

I was able to go to my adolescent wounds, I knocked down that steel door and I started to treat them one by one in order to heal them inside me.


If you have had similar situations and have buried things from your past,

and you make a commitment to yourself to begin to heal your wounds or continue your healing process.


Even though this process may be painful for you,

I can take you into a deep meditation, hypnotize you to heal everything without suffering.

To try this methodology of healing your inner self without suffering in sessions:

Schedule your mediumship session

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