Invest in your well-being with these two tips

Today I’ll give you two tips.   Not one, not three, two.   The first is this: A common conversation I’ve overheard in the grocery store that one person says to the other: Person 1: “You come here to spend your money?” Person 2: “You have to be” “Yes, you

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Nature hunting

On Sunday I went to the blue lake, the river near my house.   I live in a privileged place, surrounded by nature, you know when you see something you love, it makes your heart race, your hair stands on end, you smile because you are seeing something beautiful, the

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The stronger you are, the more desperate they are

When you work on keeping your vibration high, they attack you harder. Since four days ago the disharmonies started attacking me. They started with sleep. There are certain things that I never dream and when those dreams appear, I already know that it is an attempt of parasitism. The good

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Joy in piano

When I was a little boy, about 8 years old, I was given a piano, it was a toy piano and I didn’t pay much attention to it, until one day in the school class, the music teacher began to play the piano, and the melody transmitted me a lot

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Victims or executioners?

Sometimes we perceive ourselves as victims And what happens when we are the executioner? I always speak from experience, I have been through these things, I have overcome them and I am still working on it, No one is spared here, we have all gone through these moments at some

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